GBW Podcast
Biweekly podcast from the guys behind The Video Graveyard.Tackles a diverse assortment of movie related topics with side trips into music, comics, books, and much more! You never know what to expect on GBW!
GBW Podcast
Episode 87: No Penetration
The Video Graveyard
What happens when a star from the XXX world decides to try to cross over into the mainstream? What motivates them, how successful will they be doing so, and just how many bad b-movies can they star in? We've decided to talk about when "porn goes legit" and our memories of first seeing names like Ginger Lynn, Traci Lords, and Veronica Hart in the credits of movies we didn't have to sneak into a secret room in order to rent.
First we're talking about what we've watched including a sequel that's truly 'corny', some 70s crime by way of Walter Hill, a handful of questionable comedy choices, women bodybuilders that fascinate Josh, and much more!
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