GBW Podcast

Episode 91: Aquatic Killers

The Video Graveyard
We're sticking to the wading pool for this one! For this GBW we've decided to each list five aquatic horror films that we think you should check out. Obviously, we know Jaws is the ultimate but, seeing as we did an episode on the series, that won't be here. Yes, some of these are also not exactly classics but what you'll get are sharks, tentacles, and even some toothy little bastards.

First and foremost, as we've been away for a bit so we have sixteen(!) films we've watched in the meantime including the glorious documentary King Cohen, a couple of horror films we probably would've been better off not bothering with, some more Elliott Gould 70's coolness, a teaming of Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi that couldn't have been much weirder, and a whole lot more!

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